Amistad Memorial
165 Church Street
Painting of Sengbe Pieh, known as Joseph Cinqué displayed at the New Haven Museum. Courtesy New Haven Museum.
The Amistad Memorial commemorates the history of the July 1, 1839 revolt led by Sengbe Pieh, known as Joseph Cinqué. Fifty-three kidnapped Mendeland West Africans, to be sold as slaves in Cuba, took over the vessel, La Amistad to return to Africa. When the ship dropped anchor off the coast of Long Island, the Africans were brought to the New Haven jail. They became the subject of landmark legal battles, eventually settled by the Supreme Court on March 9, 1841, which ruled that the Africans had been captured and transported illegally and were free. This stimulated the abolitionist movement in the United States.
The Amistad Memorial Foundation commissioned the Amistad Memorial for the City of New Haven, Connecticut in 1990. Sculpted by Edward Hamilton, this three-sided bronze monument stands on the former site of the New Haven Jail, where the kidnapped Africans were imprisoned in 1839 while awaiting trial. The three sides of the sculpture depict the capture, trial, and return to Mende of Joseph Cinqué and his thirty-four surviving compatriots. The Amistad Memorial was officially dedicated September 18, 1992.
The backdrop for this majestic 14-foot relief sculpture is New Haven's City Hall. The building façade is the only remaining portion of the Victorian Gothic-style City Hall building designed by Henry Austin and constructed c. 1861. The rear and north wings of the building were re-constructed in 1986.
Text source courtesy Amistad Memorial Foundation.
On the Downtown Tour
1 | New Haven Green
2 | Amistad Memorial
3 | Knights of Columbus First Office
4 | Young Men’s Hebrew Association
5 | First St. Patrick’s Day Parade
6 | Shartenberg’s Department Store
10 | Poli’s Bijou Theater
11 | First St. Mary’s R.C. Church
12 | Edw. Malley Co. and Gamble-Desmond’s
13 | Temple Street Congregational Church/B’nai Jacob Synagogue
14 | First Knights of Columbus Headquarters
15 | Shubert Theater
16 | Townsend Block
17 | WNHC TV
19 | St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church
20 | St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church/Ukrainian National Home